Wednesday 22 May 2019

Just How Tired?


Flippin' heck, tired?

We went to the Spring Festival at Builth Wells last Saturday. Before we left the house at 7.30am a booking came in for one of he Airbnb rooms. Everything was ready but I still like to be home some time before guests say they will arrive in case they call for directions due to being lost! We had a good time at the festival. Having been out I had a few jobs to do in the afternoon so that is where it began. 

On Sunday we set to cleaning the new listing from top to bottom. After lunch we headed into Aber, looking like not sure what still in our work clothes, to start getting stuff basically. We bought towels, bedding including quilt, pillows, topper, toaster, kettle etc. All very exciting! We were tired but still found time after tea to take a drive and walk up near Teifi Pools.

On Monday it was the turn of the fridge to get a spring clean so that could be turned on. With other regular jobs to be done, too, I was pleased Alf had decided to stay at Urdd club then I had to fetch him at 4.30pm. Harry came home from school and said it was boating with cadets but his name wasn't down, however he managed to wangle himself a space - he wasn't going to miss kayaking! This meant after tea I had to drop him off in Aber just after 6pm, came home and went through with Jon what we still needed to buy, then went back again at 8.30pm to fetch Harry getting home at about 9.45pm. I did take some great photos of them coming back into the boat yard, though!

Then yesterday I headed into Aber, again, with a long list to finish off the listing. I managed to get ALMOST everything, along with pillaging from the house and changing my mind on a few things but, I washed all the new things, got it dressed. We're also building planters and need to buy compost and plants to finish off the outside of the listing

After tea I finally got into the poly house and was determined to get a few things done but to just relax a little.

Things are really looking fab now. Salad leaves and herbs are growing well enough to pick every other day.

Both First and second early spuds are coming on well. In the 1st bed I also have radishes and spinach.


Other progress is happening with the strawberries,


and Autumn planted onions.

I have taken the plunge and planted out the courgettes...

a bit close maybe but what the heck - the foliage can grow over the sides of the tyres!

The sink where I planted more lettuce and spring onions are doing ok;I always seem to have trouble with spring onions. In the tyre at the top of the photo I have planted out a couple of cabbages, too,and the others are ready to go out, too. I am PRAYING the last frosts have passed but our weather is set to be lovely other the bank Holiday weekend when we are full of guests!

Here are the first of my tomato plants in their final places; these are called Red Zucker and to be grown indoors,.

The sweet peas are starting to flower which I'm very pleased about - hope to get lots.

Today I have taken things a little easier but still jobs need to be done so I'd better post this.

So that's a little update of what is happening her on my little patch of paradise and I always enjoy seeing what everybody else is sowing and growing, too.

Bye for now.



  1. Gosh you've been busy! I know how many miles we clocked up when our children were at home.

    Did you get my email ref. the? fabrics (which I have now found and photographed).

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