Monday 28 December 2015

Crimbo Limbo!


This is my usual post at this time of the year where you just feel a bit strange.

All the madness of preparing for the main event is done, however ours was very relaxed this year due to there only being the four of us. Presents, breakfast, listening to music whilst the kids played, TV not on till much later, a few drinks, I think you get the idea. It was just lovely.

On Boxing day we took Jake for a run on the beach but he didn't get nearly as wet as my youngest when he was playing chicken with the waves! We picked up some fab pieces of drift wood which are currently drying out in the cellar - sorry haven't the energy to put photos up just now - but planning to use it for some projects around the house including the base for a set of coat hooks at the front door.

I don't know about you, but I'm done with the food thing. We had a fab piece of ham from Morrisions for £14 which we roasted for dinner on December 19 and it had done us proud! We froze the second part of it and had it cold on Boxing Day. I've finished making pea and ham soup this morning with the last ever bit. However, my niece is coming tomorrow to stay for four days so you just can't have soup and bread every day, which would suit me just fine! I'm sitting at the kitchen table just now trying to plan some plain, but tasty, food and have got as far as beef stew and dumplings in the slow cooker for New Year's Eve. I do still have my yummy pork pie in the freezer and that is for New Year's Day.

I sorted out my papercrafting things from the cellar onto the shelves in the office yesterday. I used to have box upon box of things but gave away a lot before we moved. I kept lovely pieces of paper, some stamps and embellishments I have collected but that is about it. I was pleased that I found some Kraft card blanks and then I covered my diary that I bought a little while ago. I like to buy a plain, one page a day type and make it look pretty - picture later!

I also have had my calendar since about October and that is sitting with dentist appointments, dates for school and a couple of other things already on it ready to go up. 

I made a decoration a couple of years ago which I hang in the kitchen from January 1 for a couple of weeks just to remind me of how I love the possibilities and positivity that comes with the New Year, yes, picture later.

Well I hope there is some relaxation going on in blogland and I'll maybe catch up before New Year.




  1. Glad you are all in and finally settled in 'your' new home, it's taken a while! I moved on the 19th and am now all unpacked and preparing for the single parent life half of the week. Wish me luck x

    1. Hi Ginny. Thank you and I am glad you are settled in your new home, too. I don't know your circumstances but I hope you and your children enjoyed Christmas and I wish you love and peace for the New YEar.xx

  2. It is that time of year when one feels done with elaborate cooking but if there are guests still to entertain then you have to come up with more than ifits. We have people coming to lunch tomorrow so I am currently trying to plan what to do! A Christmas day walk on the beach sounds wonderful.

  3. Happy New Year. I just discovered your new blog and signed up to follow. Wishing you the best for this New Year. Pat

    1. Oops so sorry for not commenting before. Thanks for coming along for the ride.


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx