Sunday 4 February 2018

Outdoor Jobs Yay!

Good afternoon.

It's February and I made a little vignette in the living room window with my Country Diary book and some hyacinths (two pots for £2), I thought it was time to brighten things up.

I've finally got some jobs done outside as for once we had no rain today. It really has been relentless recently and had no chance really to get anything done.

However I started on Friday and today I finished working on the small veg patch. I began by taking up the sweetcorn which had been rotting down along with any other weeds that had grown there; it looked like this before....

....and after all my hard work we have this. Yay! 

It is now covered, as is the main veg patch -  there I finished off putting down the last of the compost and the tarps to keep the ground warm until planting begins.

Whilst I was doing this, cleaning out the chooks and saying goodbye to our Airbnb guest, Jon and the boys were clearing all his tools, equipment etc from our shed into the tractor shed across the road we are borrowing from our kindly neighbour. Before putting anything in there Jon put the doors that were on the second Airbnb room, waste not want not, as good security along with breeze blocking up a small doorway; it looks great now. In the third photo you may just be able to see the opening prior to the doors going on (taken when we were putting in the parking area.)

Jon came home in the middle of the day on Friday, always a lovely surprise and chance for a brew and a quick chat, with two presents for me - tyres, but not just any old tyres. These are mahoosive!! Apologies for the blurry action photos!

This is their final resting place. 

The other fab thing is that we also have access to some good top soil as we are going to need a tonne of the stuff to fill these two. It looks as though the vast majority of my potato planting will fit in these two! Which reminds me, I need to put those to chit next week.

In other news we have established the Poly House will not be fixed before Spring properly begins, ie March at the earliest. This means I will be using the conservatory to start off my seeds as I did last year in the run up to Jon finishing the build. I didn't have it to use until the end of April so I will manage just fine.

It is getting very exciting, preparing everything the coming months.

Out of interest, what is anybody enjoying on TV at the moment? We are LOVING McMafia; James Norton is just fantastic, Call The Midwife is fab as ever and I enjoy watching that on catch up with my lunch on a Monday.

Ooh, one last thing. I have rearranged nearly all of my craft things into the office upstairs as we're going to move the pool table into the cellar. I'm pleased about this as I think I will do a few more projects with the stash being in the house proper if you see what I mean. To this end I've decided to attempt to make a few things so I can have a table at our local Winter fayre. I know, Winter has only just gone but I never have time in the summer so thought I'd do this and that way I have plenty of time. Hope to post anything I get round to making.

Ok, I think that is it for now. Looking forward, as ever, to seeing what everybody got up to over the weekend.

Bye for now.



  1. I watched Kirri and was disappointed by the ending. Some of the Silent Witness storylines are good. I'm going to watch McMafia on catch-up. Like you I love Call the Midwife, I can remember being a child in the sixties,the toys, prams, clothes etc. I can remember a couple of polio outbreaks and us queueing for hours to be vaccinated in massive centres where hundreds of people waited.

  2. I do like Sarah Lancashire and funnily didn't watch Happy Valley but discovered James Norton in the fab u lus War and Peace, not normally one for costume drama but loved that. I love all the clothes and the furniture in CTM now they have hit the 60's but I love 40's and 50's as our living room has an old sideboard and our sofa and chairs are actually from about 1910/1920.

  3. I was out working in the garden today, those tractor tires will be great planted up, your conservatory will work just like a greenhouse :-)

    1. Yes, will make do with the conservatory very well for now.


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