Thursday 24 May 2018

Sow-cial Media Ramble. Ya boo sucks!

I have a Twitter account for our Airbnb room where I tend to follow Welsh related accounts and things to do with tourism and visiting our fair principality. I really had looked forward to having one for myself where I could get some chat going with other like minded people with regard to gardening and sowing n growing. I set one up but I don't feel I get that - not sure if I am just not on trend with others.

Whilst just vacuuming - I think about lots of things when doing mundane but necessary tasks around the house - I began to come to the conclusion that I'm not getting out of it as much as I'd hoped; I think you are a blogger or a Tweeter. I unashamedly like to ramble more than a bit and Twitter, even with the extended amount of characters, does not really let me express myself enough. I feel like I'm in a rush and I HATE that at any time; that's another reason I don't like or use (just the once I think, Instagram - clue is in the name). Here I go, I like writing letters not emailing people because I love the anticipation of receiving a letter with news and stuff. The immediacy of knowing EVERYTHING about what is going on in general really gets to me at times. "Google it" everybody shouts but I think sometimes why not "find a book"!

Another thing is I did initially think if Twitter got too much for me then I would indeed cancel it. I feel pressured into tweeting something to keep me "out there" and frankly I'm not that bothered. There I said it. To this end I think I will close my Twitter account. I shall continue to love writing my blog - I'm so enjoying writing just now and have a couple of things in the pipeline which I'm very excited about and will carry on trying to find outlets for my rambling.

Thank you for listening, caring if you can be bothered but other wise hope you enjoy reading my blog as I do the ones I follow and catch up with regularly.

Bye for now.



  1. I very much enjoy reading your blog

  2. Thanks Shirley. It suits me much better writing, too.


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx