Then the tree I always wrongly call a wonky Willow but is actually a Hazel is looking great and I can't WAIT to bring some of this in as part of the house festive decorations. Eeeek!
And talking of decorations the big, varigated holly bush is looking fab so there will be plenty for cupboard top and table centre displays.
Can you tell I'm getting excited?
I've already printed off my Christmas planning sheets - see here.!!! and created another decoration for the house.
On Sunday morning it was a little chilly so we lit the woodburner in the living room whilst we had out first brew of the day before getting on with a few jobs. Have to admit that this view, which is from my regular spot, will be even more wonderful soon as the tree will be placed for Christmas where the small table is in the far corner. I am getting excited which I normally hold back on until after Halloween but this year JUST can't seem to do it!
Anyhow the weather for the last couple of days have been bright, dry and cool which I absolutely love but today is damp and we have a wet weather warning here for tomorrow and Saturday. The Rayburn is already lit, of course, but I may light the woodburner for when the boys come home; we are going nowhere this evening plus they break up for half term today so perfect night for a cosy time by the fire.
Cracking on. In the week I shunned the ironing board and headed out to the garden. I'd already cleared this bed, no. 3, so set about preparing it by filling it with a mixture of chicken poo/bedding, bought compost, some of my own made black stuff along with some I'd taken from planters to use as a mulch. This bed is now ready to plant with garlic and onions. (Please ignore the weeds surrounding this area!)
This is the bed behind the poly house. I've done the same preparing this one but it will be covered over soon ready for Spring.
I'd put two planters behind the lettuce sink which last year had tulips growing in outside The Snug. If you look REALLY, REALLY closely you can JUST see new shoots growing through!
Talking of bulbs I did more preparation by clearing the planter outside the Studio. I planted a selection there including some given to me by my lovely gardening next-door-but- ones.
I'm quite pleased how it turned out but obvs can't wait until we see the colours coming through!
Sorry if you saw this on my Twitter feed but for those who didn't....
Jon found on Facebook a Smeg fridge freezer that looked a bargain, to say the least!
It was priced at £62, apparently needed work as the thermostat wasn't working, the top cover was missing and one of the doors didn't close properly. It arrived home with Jon, confident as ever that everything could be fixed. After about an hour working on it, sitting over night then switched on for 12 hours or so... ta da!!
The blue lights, which apparently help to keep the fruit and veg fresh, flash on and off when you leave the door open for too long!
I absolutely LOVE it.
I've been suffering with swollen glands and a cough etc. for about a week and I still don't feel my best. I started my new Welsh class last Thursday, da iawn a mi, but I'm not sure I'm going to go today; piggin' shame as only week 2 and it's half term next week... I'll see.
The odd Airbnb booking is still coming in with three last weekend and one this weekend so the chalet will be ready for them shortly.
Well that is my little catch up.
By for now.
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