Tuesday 23 February 2016

I'm back - if you'd noticed I'd gone?!

Oh I feel like I have been away forever; it's been a couple of weeks since my last post - sounds like I'm coming to confession! and I feel I have been cut off a bit with not being in touch with my friends through the ether.

To cut a long story short we had a few gliches on the laptop but all is well now. I haven't been able to follow very well what everybody has been up to but I have seen a little. Therefore I have a LOT to catch up on; I hope everybody is ok and that you will forgive me as I ramble on a bit! xx

On a personal note I have finished my short course of Welsh classes and now have to practise with the worksheets we were given in class, and do my best to use it when I can in order to improve. I have our monthly coffee morning where I can use it and the husband of a friend is always happy to help me practise along with the shop staff in Bont.

Anyhow onto my other news and stuff that has been going on. My niece found a fab cocktail shaker for me and this will add to my sideboard drinks paraphenalia - love it!

I won't get it until the beginning of next month when she visits with her mum and dad but this is what it looks like. I am determined to have cocktails as a treat at Easter following my having lost a bit of weight. (So far I have dropped 9lbs since January 4).

My craft room is done! We had quite a bit of painting to do as the walls needed a spruce up and Jon has made me this lovely, big bench!

He was able to make a shelf out of the alcove to put things on, too. We just have the floor and adjoining steps to paint. I haven't had any time to do stuff down there just yet as it was finished at the end of half term. But there is always this week! It will be great to work at for sewing or papercrafting and the boys will be able to use it, too. 

I started making a whole gang of pom poms before we moved and only have about 50 more to go in order to make a rug for the floor of the room but need to sort out some sort of backing for it. The first project I hope to start with down there, though, is a cusion cover for the living room but more of that another time.

Now, I have to share these photos. We were looking for a couple of two-seater Chesterfield sofas for the living room but came across these on Ebay and just could not resist! This is a fantastic way of reusing and recycling.

We collected them the first Saturday of half term, gave them a polish and added the crocheted blanket - it belonged to Jon's gran - and we are super happy with the 1930's finished result to say the least!

Outside of the house Jon has been clearing some of the bamboo and what a difference it is making already. 

He also dismantled the old dog kennel ready to give to the sheep farmer, who lives in the property adjoining the bottom of our back garden, along with some sheep troughs he has made for him. Behind it we found these little beauties.

I have picked some and put them in the kitchen! 

We have a tonne of daffs in the garden, I think I already shared a photo of those, not in flower yet but I think these were sheltered by the kennel and came up early.

I began a challenge at the start of the year and that is to send one postcard each week. I am up to date and have bought some postcards from charity shops. When sorting through my craft things I found some plain white postcards so I think I'm going to decorate those ready for sending to people Machynlleth on Saturday and here it is!

Jon said it is top quality and it is going in the guest room we are gradually getting finished at the end of the garden.

Ok I think that is enough for you to deal with for now. Will be back soon with more ramblings.



  1. Welcome back! I had been checking regularly and was hoping that all was well. Your craft desk is wonderful! Lovely to see all the improvements you are doing.

    1. Thank you. Really looking forward to being able to get some things done now! And yes the house and things are comning along gradually.

  2. Lovely to see you back. All looking good and your craft room is lovely...have fun playing xx

  3. So pleased you're all sorted now. LOVE that craft room! x


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx