Friday, 7 October 2016

That Was The Week That Was.

Well, here we are at Friday again. Hmmmm.

This week has not been too busy. We have been experimenting lighting and using the Rayburn but only for water and cooking as not quite cool enough for the heating. We have actually tunred off all the radiators downstairs as we won't need them when both the Rayburn and the woodburner are fired up. We may keep it in today as it is gradually getting colder. I'm having to get used to the right temperature for things especially baking. Earlier in the week I made some sandwich biscuits filled with lemon curd or strawberry jam and yesterday I made scones and a lemon and chocolate cake; the latter was done on the top some time before the inside so had to keep popping it back in with the top covered. But everything came out ok in the end.

I took part in a Stationery Swap and posted off my little parcel and very excited to hopefully receive mine today - maybe in time to post a photo today!

I have caught up with my Box of Experiences; I use this old Oxo box. 

This is where I write a quick note of somethings we did as a family through the year and then we will read through them on NewYear's Eve. Really looking forward to that as I don't think the men of the house know I'm doing it.

I have done some work outside. I finally got some manure from our neighbour yesterday to put on what will become the brassicas bed. He also gave me a basket full of apples which were some he had picked off another neighbours tree...

and there will be more hopefully, and I can get more manure when I want, too! This is how the bed looks after being cleared of the sweetcorn, some of my compost added along with some egg shells.

The manure is well rotted so going to add that to the bed with some bought-in compost as not in a position to get any top soil at the moment. The bed got very few weeds in it when the sweetcorn was in it so I'm taking a chance that once I have turned it all over with these additions and then coverd it with cardboard it will be ok for when I'm ready to put the plants in. As ever, any advice on this is always welcome but this is the best I can manage at the moment with current supplies.

My last ramble is a personal one. Since Monday of this week I have been on a bit of a detox, no carb, white meat diet. I have eaten no bread, potatoes, pasta or red meat. No coffee or tea or cakes. I have drunk only water and eaten eggs, pulses, salad, cooked and raw veg, chicken and plain fish, smoked haddock, nuts, dried fruit, seeds and porridge made with water topped with fresh fruit and linseeds. It may sound a bit boring but I have really enjoyed it as well as making veg soup. The first couple of days I had a terrible headache which I think was from the caffeine withdrawl but that passed after a couple of days, as did the lethargy I felt until Wednesday.

I am very proud of myself I have to say as I have made said cakes and sat in the car whilst the boys all ate Snickers bars! I have continued to make dishes such as lasagne and sausage and pasta bake for the boys, too! I expect to lose weight and will weigh myself on Monday morning to see what progress I have made. I think I will continue with this next week but will add some plain yoghurt to my puddings of fruit and nuts

Has anybody else tried anything like this? 

Will keep an eye on what people are up to over the weekend.

Bye for now.



  1. Hi Louise I don't know why your new posts never show up in my reading list, just caught up with what you have been up to, your baking as always looks so good, I might do a bit later , have a good weekend x

    1. Hi Marlene. Argghh, Blogger can be a bit of a pain sometimes. Have you tried deleting me from your list and then adding me again to perhaps re-boot? Thank you for your lovely words and hope you enjoy the weekend, too.x

  2. I have an Aga now, but we used to have an old Esse which did the radiators too. Unfortunately, there was no control for turning off radiators, so if we had the oven on, the radiators were on. So hot! I ought to get on with clearing garden beds this weekend. We manured last year and the veg have been amazing this year. I might order more manure over the winter. Thought I'd added you to my Feedly list. I'll have to add you again! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. Hi Cheryl. Thanks for the manure advice -hope to get on to it tomorrow.

  3. I gave up eating anything made with white flour years ago, and lost loads of weight, now we do not eat process food which has again lost weight and are feeling much better.

    1. That is great Marlene; well done you. I think I feel better but it hasn't been a full week yet. I have to say the weight loss is the most impportant thing as I have been trying to shake off a stone or more for a couple of years.

  4. Your baked goodies always look so good. And wow, you must have such an iron will to cut all of that out of your diet. I've never tried it. I know me, I'd fail pretty quickly. Though I did manage to give up chocolate for Lent one year (never again!).

    Have a lovely Sunday, and thank you for the BD wishes :O)

  5. The only baking I have done this week is bread and a very quick Lemon Curd Sponge for Martin, good luck with the weight loss


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx