Thursday 25 January 2018

Baking and Making.


Over the last week and a little more I've managed to get a bit of baking and making done so I thought I'd share it with you.

I made apple turnovers a while ago and the boys loved them. So when I saw some puff pastry on offer in Lidl I bought it to go with apples I had in the freezer from the summer.

The biscuit tin was getting a bit low so I made these cookies on Tuesday; I used up the chocolate chips, as not enough to make a brownie, and a tub of glace cherries. A really easy recipe which cook quite quickly.

Tracy inspired me to make some pea and ham soup this week. I bought some ham trimmings, nothing too expensive to go with soaked peas. It made three meals/bowls for me in the week and was yummy. This is my way of making it.

I fried off an onion and added the ham.

I drained off the water the peas had soaked in and put the ham mix in with the peas and boiled it with chicken stock.

When the peas started to soften I blended it gently as I didn't want to lose the texture.

 A lovely, tasty, simple recipe for these cold days we are still having.

Last night I threw together a pudding of stewed apple with sultanas and topped it with cinnamon and sugar croutons I had in the freezer. Jon said he was having trouble getting past it looking like soup! 

I tried it and it was lovely, even though I shouldn't eat too much of it just now with trying to lose some weight still.

Right, better get on.

Bye for now.



  1. I love these posts when you do your baking and cooking as they inspire me (which is funny after the pea and ham inspiration 😂 haha) I really must make something for the kids to take to school as their Christmas stash is almost done, yes they get far too much chocolate!! You have a real talent for baking and cooking xx

  2. Thanks. I have to really make an effort to take the photos pretty much as soon as baking comes out of the oven or no good! My two are going back to packed lunches probably after half term so will have to keep up with the tin then! Thanks, I enjoy baking a lot.xx

  3. Croutons are a great idea for a quick topping. Might get away with using less fat too.

    1. Yes the are. I make them out of the ends of my bread loaves as i hate to waste anything then store them in the freezer. The cinnamon ones were particularly scrummy, though!


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