Tuesday 9 January 2018

Bore da and Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Good morning and Happy New Year just in case some of you are unsure!

Today I finally start a new Welsh class. As you may know I had a few lessons when we very first moved to Bronllan and they were across the road in our lovely community Canolfan. They did not continue due to numbers, then I found another last summer which was about 25 minutes away but I admit to sometimes forgetting about class, preferring to be outside in the Poly House etc. So, from this evening, I re-commence, again across the road thankfully, so no need to drive anywhere. It is from 6-8pm so doesn't clash with the youngest's football training but as we alternate weeks taking Alf and his pal we don't have to do too much re-jigging. I need to order my books but being a cheapscate I'm waiting to make sure I have the details correct as I think I've found them on the internet cheaper as there are slightly used copies available; every penny saved helps. 

So, yes it is a brand new year - 2018 here are are!

A couple of things are happening this year. My eldest begins senior school, which he is ridiculously excited about, and I will be having my 50th birthday.

Of course we are also working on getting our second Airbnb room up and running; we think we should have this ready by Easter which is at the end of March this year - it is waiting for furniture just now.

We also hope this year to have our pigs and sheep in the field and to acquire a quad bike to make so many jobs for Jon and I a whole lot easier.

There are not too many photos to be taken at the moment but I'm very glad to see the daffs have peaked their heads above ground and I look forward to having them in the house as long as possible but also seeing them when I look out of the window in the coming months.

In the house I decided to have a few winter decorations as opposed to Christmas,obviously; I plumped for carnations added to holly and twisted willow; quite effective I think.

I went to my first after-Christmas Slimming World group last night. I'd lost 2.5lbs and was very pleased with this as I had not only fallen off the wagon a bit over the festive period but careered under the wheels and emerged out the other end slightly battered! Only 3lbs to go then I'll be back within my target range so I'll manage that without too much trouble.

The weather today is really quite cold but thankfully hardly a breath of wind. Both fires are lit, logs were chopped and brought in by the boys last night (they both received new axes for Christmas!) so I am keeping cosy warm whilst having an indoors-day today.

Well, I'd better get on with a few jobs, not too much as the washer is on and brekky pots are taken care of.

I love hearing about new plans for a new year so look forward to reading all about things to come from everybody.

Bye for now.



  1. Me again 😂 did you get the quad? I forgot to ask!! So many big things this year!! Grace too is off to seniors as you know. I do hope she gets where she wants. As for the books, my view is always to recycle them. I don’t see saving pennies as being a cheapskate at all! I really hope you’re enjoying the welsh classes. That’s the exact kind of gift my two would get haha xx

    1. No we didn't get that one as it was not a 4 wheel drive and it needed to be for the size of it. We put something on facebook and a guy has one for sale and is sending some photos this evening hopefully. Love your two would also like axes or similar as gifts!!I ended up buying the homework book for Welsh then the spare 'used' one can go to somebody else.x


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