Wednesday 11 July 2018

It's Been A While...

Good afternoon, oh I've been away a while but we have been busy.

I'll have to do a bit of a photo summary and then I guess other bits and pieces will drip in as I go along. As usual this will be a bit hit and miss date wise but here we go.

From most recent events I now have some beautiful raised beds which Jon has made for the greenhouse along with a lovely high bench.

On the left I've put in some tomato plants that I had in the polyhouse, the right bed has the growing bags of sweet potatoes in but I think I'll plant them in there before they get too big.

The polyhouse, a full family effort in such hot weather, has now been covered YAY!! This means the temperature is more constant and there is less chance of wind, when we get it, affecting things in there.

We acquired a summer house and this has now been erected in a shady corner of the garden. It looks more like a beach hut at the moment but will soon be painted green and I have plans for making the interior lovely and cosy for ourselves or our Airbnb guests. Watch this space.

There has been some harvesting done, mainly climbing peas. I have taken down the first lot and re-sowing has begun - some direct and some in the polyhouse.

The dwarf beans, here, are coming along nicely as are the sugar snap peas.

I've also taken up a few onions, bit of a disappointment this year, and the kale is great, too.

Now, most people will know shearing has been happening recently so Jon and the boys were over the fence to our neighbours with his flock. They enjoyed watching, picking up the stray wool whilst Jon rolled up the fleeces and Alfie put the sacks on the truck to be taken away. 

Away from outdoor stuff Harry has been to his Pontio days for senior school and Aflie has been to taster days, too. We have had a number of Airbnb guests including a lovely young man from the Netherlands who was here with us for four days and we're booked tonight and two days at the weekend.

We are into the last two weeks of school before the summer hols when things go a bit nuts so there are trips out, the summer fete, special activities at school etc going on and of course we have had Sports Day, only had to be cancelled once this year instead of three as last year!

I do NOT need to tell you that we've had very warm, dry weather for the last four weeks or so therefore we have had a few trips to the beach which has been great. On the downside watering the garden has been a full time job; Jon put me a tap outside recently but is going to put a second one nearer the veg patches as it is not convenient to have the hosepipe in plain sight when we have Airbnb guests as it has to go past their room doors. I am practically doing a rain dance as we really need it, the poor sheep and cows are not getting grass as they should.

Oh, the piece I wrote for EGO magazine was published in the July issue so here is me on the left!

I am now spending some time deciding what can be sown over the next few weeks and looking, believe it or not, at overwintering things; I want to find a heater for the greenhouse so I can make the best of it in there.

Ok, I think I'm caught up. Time to get onto other things.

Bye for now.


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