Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Wet And Warm, Top Soil And Tyres.

Well, Ta Da! We have top soil!!! Bet you're glad I'll stop going on about that now!

Jon fetched it last night and I was so very much hoping for a sunny day today but instead we were outside in the rain, at least it isn't cold, from just after 7am for nearly two hours putting the soil here... (obviously there is still some weeds which need to be gotten rid of!)

...and here. I'd been saving cardboard to use as mulch for the tyres so I put that in first.

It was time to go in for some breakfast and the boys made us bacon and egg butties, with a bit of help from Jon, and a pot of coffee. After breakfast I made the bread, did a few admin jobs and after a lunch of fish fingers and salad the boys helped Jon tidy his shed and I headed back to the veg patch.

The thing I really wanted to transfer was the Squash plant which was running amok in its much smaller planter; I think it will be much better here.

The fruits are looking great, not quite twice the size of a goosberry, look a bit like them too!

I then set to planting out some of the beetroot. I did one row and then left it because the soil was too wet for me to kneel on but I made some progress - if you can just about see them!

I also finally got around to planting out the leeks. I really hope they take; I followed the rules by putting them in the hole then watering it and lightly putting the soil back into it. Fingers crossed. I have a whole new level of anxiety now wondering if things are going to grow properly outside.

A couple of things from the Poly House. Does anybody else who is growing something simialr to Dwarf Beans have them growing with tiny black blemishes on them? These have, but cook and taste just fine. Just wondering.

Then you may just  be able to see that the tomato in the middle of the picture is not quite totally green anymore. Eeeek!

When we had finshed all our jobs and were just about to come in Jon said about letting the chickens out of the enclosure for a while. They took a while but gingerly stepped out.

I hope we don't find one of them beak down in the pond! I was worried, too,that they would head for something I didn't want them to eat but they were quite happy scratching around at the greenery near the fence. We think we will do this late in the afternoon now and again and, hopefully, they will take themselves back into the enclosure, especially when it is winter and gets dark sooner.

Nearly forgot, another little job we did this morning was to cut this budlea down which was making a shadow over the Poly House. May seem a bit severe but that is how it goes sometimes. You can see the strawberry patch in the foreground. We have not done well with these at all this year. We are not going to stress but build a frame for them ready for next year and hope for a much better harvest.

Well I think that is me caught up. Jon is still off work, this is his second of two weeks. Tomorrow we have a trip to make to the tip and we are going to collect a door for the end room to keep in stock until we are ready for it - a bargain at £15 - and as it is near Borth I really hope the weather is good enough for us to take a look at the beach.

Oh, egg yield for this month was 139. Only one down on last month so we have covered the cost of half the initial lay out for the chicken project.

At the end of the week Jon's dad and his wife are coming to visit and we expect they will take the boys back with them for a week at the caravan. Realised today that I will be on my own in the day time next week as Jon will be back at work. Never mind, I am sure I will keep myself busy with this and that!

Bye for now.



  1. I'm sure you will enjoy the time to get lots done Lou. Re the strawbs, have you fed them too well. They look very healthy but presumably you haven't had many fruits. It could be that they are new plants and are getting established. there are some varieties that are late fruiters, so do you know the name of the variety?

  2. I love the tyre planters. Lovely to see the chickens exploring, they are laying well, do you sell the excess eggs ? x

    1. Thanks. I hope the tyres will make some gardening easier as I have a slight back problem. Loved having
      the chooks go rogue! We
      Always fancied seeing them like that really. We don't
      tend to have that many
      spare eggs. We give away
      about a dozen and a half a
      month but I bake loads as you know and in general we just like eggs!

  3. We find when we open the chicken gates they don't venture far for a while until they get their confidence. They are lovely, similar to our brown girls as you said before.
    I love hearing that your boys are helping, just like my 2, though sometimes through gritted teeth for my youngest.
    How exciting is it to get the top soil and be able to do something with it. Don't worry too much about suedes/turnips outside, mine have taken off and I've not done anything to help! Your squash is like mine, they seem to grow and creep outwards - I don't think I was ready for that! I don't know what I expected though to be fair.
    Same for the strawberries, the runners might take and grow twice as much for next year :)

    1. I get the gritted teeth from both of them at times, too! Jon keeps saying with the top soil finally in "all up to you now" because the growing is my thing - counts as a pink job in our house! Today I put slug pellets on everything I have in the patch at the moment as I spotted a pesky slug this afternoon. We have had some rain today but I really need a drier day to get the planting and sowing finished. Yes, I think the strawbs may fair better next year.x

  4. I'm really enjoying reading about your progress. I can hardly wait to get started on mine! I'm hoping my youngest will help as Mr D will be working away from home quite a bit.

    1. Very much looking forward to the start of your adventure. I love the fact that you are inheriting
      chooks! I love the layout of the garden, too. Bring on the fun. I get all inspired when I see the back gardens of people's houses when we are going somewhere or I read of other people's efforts.

  5. congrats on the top soil, I am sure you will find plenty to fill your time, it will be nice for Jon and you to have some me time together :-)

    1. Thanks Dawn. My stress level may decrease now I can finally get some things put outside. I hope for some good weather so I can have a good potter outside but also to get some more done on my December Daily. We are looking forward to enjoying simple stuff like meals the boys don't enjoy as much as we do!


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx