Sunday, 22 January 2017

A Dog-Gone Sad Day.

Well today was the sad day when we said goodbye to our Jakey-chops.

In the end a lady and her two sons, who are obviously dog-loving people, came to see Jake with their dog Poppy. After an initial not-sure-about-you few minutes they were playing well together in the garden.

We had a good talk with Denise and her two boys, the youngest one especially seemed to get on well with Jake, and decided she would let us know how he was getting on with Poppy as she has not lived with another dog permanently but is used to having other dogs in the house. 

The boys took it well although Harry said he would miss him; I explained we had to do the thing that was best for Jake. Jon put him in the car but I stayed in the house then waved them goodbye with Jake off to his new home in Malvern.

I feel sure he will be happy there and hope he lives out his days in what seems a loving and caring environment.



  1. there will be an emptiness I am sure, but things will settle down in time

    1. Thank you, I think so, too. But just as it starts to rain here I thought to myself I would have to keep an eye on the weather incase he wanted to go out...

  2. He's been a big part of your life so it'll take a while to get the new habit. Keep smiling and well done for making sure he has a lovely new home x

  3. I have only just read this, you have done the right thing. A stressed animal is not a happy animal and as you said for his mental health he is better off. I hope they keep you informed on him. It sounds like you have done the right thing

    1. Thanks Sol. We hope to hear soon how he is getting along.

  4. Its awful when you have to give up a pet but you've thought about it, I can tell from your blog that you are an animal caring family so its not been an easy decision. Stay strong, I'm sure any news will be good.


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