Friday 27 April 2018

Floral Fun, Sowing and Growing.

Good morning. A bit miz here today so pleased I got some outdoors jobs done yesterday.

In our garden we don't really do flowers, however we are very lucky that the previous owners planted so many daffodils which seem to increase in numbers each year. These are accompanied by a carpet of snowdrops which is further creeping its way up from the bottom fence line. Both the daffs and snowdrops have pretty much died off but are always followed by these lovelies. They're alongside the picket fence near the veg beds but it's so wonderful that nature replaces one thing after another.  

On the other side of the garden you'll find my Magnolia Stellata. 

When we first came to Bronllan I really hoped there was a Magnoia in the garden and not a cherry blossom and hey presto! This usually flowers between March and April but only came into flower last weekend, late like a lot of things just now. It is hardy so of course survived the recent bad weather no problem; I do hope it flowers into May because of it taking some time to bloom.

I've already had some of my wild garlic and it was, as usual, delicious. 

Its not quite in flower yet but it has re-seeded itself after last year so is really substantial now - can't wait for those edibles to put on salad; I'm going to make pesto and freeze it so I make the most of this wonderful herb.

The rhubarb, which is planted in the vicinity of the wild garlic, has been terrorised by the chooks when they went free range but I do hope it is resilient enough and recuperates; apologies for the chicken reference!

Now this is a tree I think which has come back after being cut back when the chicken enclosure was built.

Not sure what it is but I just like the colour.

Outside the kitchen window is my lilac bush which flowers when it feels like it to be honest! Looks like we are on this year; in the background across from the house is a flowering blackcurrant which I love.

The conservatory has definitely come into its own standing in as my poly house for now, but could do with a little of that warmer weather coming back... Anyhow, between the homemade propagator and in there I'm getting on with some seed sowing and growing. 

So far I have sown: 

Dwarf Bean Ferrari
Tomato Golden Sunrise

Climbing pea Colossus outside and in

Auberine Black Beauty
Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino 
Tomato Moneymaker
Tomato Red Peas
American Cress and lettuce
Beetroot inside and out
Sweet peas
Coriander and parsely outside
French Marigolds (for around the tomatoes)

They are all in various states of growth but most have some ways to go yet! 

I also have two containers of strawberries indoors - which I spotted yesterday are flowering!

Now, I've been making the best of the good weather this week doing a bit of garden prep. I've put a top layer of compost on the smaller raised bed and also the one outside the poly house. After being covered over for the winter there were hardly any weeds at all and now they look just lovely and healthy, ready for something very soon. Eeeek!

The larger one I think will have a mix of carrots, parsnips and shallots as the soil is much more well drained than the main bed. Have to keep an eye on the rabbits or moles that took a liking to the smaller patch late in the summer last year. 

The smaller one will have cabbage in I think; had that there last year but not too bothered that I should rotate such a small space. I'm going to put sunflowers in there, too, as it'll give a bit of height and colour, plus I should be able to see them from the top kitchen window when in full flower, then the chooks will get the heads at the end of the summer. Win win!

Ok, that is my update done for now.

As ever, look forward to see how your sowing and growing is coming along.

Bye for now.



  1. I do miss not having a Magnolia tree it is on my list to buy again, you have made great head way with your sowing.

    1. Thanks Dawn. I'm pleased with what I've got in so far but want to get more in as the weather this week looks to be quite good for us.

  2. Wow, your garden is already full of lovely things! The soil in your beds looks fantastic, I bet the plants will LOVE it. I'm still working on the condition of the soil on my plot. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts and following you through the Spring. Happy Growing!

  3. Hi Jade. Thank you for your lovely comments. My soil is a project, too. The natural soil is slightly clay-bound but I have managed to improve it by putting a mulch of chicken bedding on top of the soil and covering it over in the Winter. When I took it off it was in good condition with lots of worms! The darker soil is my attempt at no-dig as it is used as a mulch/weed suppressant by adding bought in compost. Look forward to seeing your allotment progress. Can I ask if you came to my blog via Twitter?


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx