Sunday 8 April 2018

Just Time For A Few Jobs.

It has been a busy weekend. Yesterday, as you may know I had a great time on my Poly Tunnel course, see previous post, but I did manage to get outside today, briefly.

Today, so that Jon could carry on with his jobs, I opted to take Alfie to his football tournament. Not my idea of a fun time to be honest but the mums of some of the boys are nice to talk to so we always have a chat. As it turned out his team didn't do that well so after setting off at 8.40am we were home by about 1.30pm, after a quick emergency stop at Screw Fix as Jon was slightly short on a piece of soil pipe!

After gathering myself and taking Jon, and a pal who'd dropped by, a brew I headed to the Poly House. It is a bit like sowing al fresco due to parts of the wall and roof missing but whatever....

I wanted to sow some more tomatoes as I'd bought a lovely looking variety called Golden Sunrise; I sowed two seeds in four pots. Then I thought I'd start my climbing peas off and instead of using the accepted drainpipe method, went rogue and it felt gooood, I just opted for putting two seeds in 12 pots. Finally I put compost in the drainpipe which is attached to the side of the Poly House and sowed some Rocket.

Now I did mention the other day that I was trying to think of how to make use of the top part of the old cold frame. Well, being inspired by Kim I placed one part on the staging and put the seeds on the base... 

then put the top on like the lid of a propagator; really hope it works, even if the Poly House is a little open to the elements as you can see in the photos!

I then borrowed our neighbours' strimmer for the fruit patch; it was a lot heavier than ours which needs a little attention, when Jon has time, but I did my best to get rid of a few weeds and grasses. Again I've been inspired by Kim to leave that end of the garden to go a little wild. Even though there is a veg patch there it will not be affected as long as I strim any weeds first then I think I''l put stones I've been collecting around the wooden edges as a barrier. (Just thought of that!)

Great to get outside and do stuff, even if just small jobs just now.

Ok I think that is it for me.

Bye for now.



  1. lovely to see you back with your seeds, your propagator is fab

    1. Thanks Dawn! I'm very excited to get started again!


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