Monday, 14 January 2019

New Year Pottering!

Well today was the first time out in my little patch of paradise since the start of the new year. I needed to add to my exercise tally so what better way than to don my RAF surplus jumpsuit and get out there. I managed 40 minutes pottering and garden prep before the spots of rain started, but it was enough to have a good look round and be back inside to check on the spuds baking in the Rayburn for tea; always a quick meal on a Monday as we are out for Slimming World, Boxing and Sea Cadets whilst Jon will have some him time in the shed and then watch Forged In Fire - me and the boys fly home to catch the end of it!

So outside I was tidying up really; I had some chicken pooh sitting in the wheelbarrow waiting for the very job I did today which was covering ALMOST the last of the main patch.

It really did a fantastic job, along with the covering over, for the soil last year; so few weeds due to me taking the no-dig approach when I took things up at the end of the growing season. I just have one small area where there are a few leeks so really should just take them up and finish the job!

I wandered around finding bits and pieces either to go in the compost bin or in the bags for the tip next time we are heading that way so have now a few planters drying out. 

I've moved a drainpipe of spinach beet from the greenhouse to the poly house. It was ok but I think may do better in there, which reminded me I need to get a couple of thermometers for both the houses. 

In the green house are these, my Mixed Spice sweet peas, which are a good six inches tall. They are hardy but not sure I should plant them out just now; best not as we may get snow before the Winter is out so safer there perhaps but may move them to the poly house.

These are my Meteor peas which are also hardy. If sown outside it is done in March but these are quite big so wonder if I should put them in the poly house bed and see what I can get from them? Sneak in before that spot is taken by the cucumbers and aubergines later.

I'm not wishing the time away because I really love Winter but the tulip and daff bulbs I planted are really coming up to say hello and it IS lovely to have a little hint of Spring.

One of the daffs in the garden, there are loads as usual, is even showing a yellow head!

I think we'll have even more snowdrops this year; they've reseeded themselves further along the fence line between us and our neighbour. Never a bad thing - more the merrier.

As short a time as it was outside I really enjoyed it. Will see what the weather holds over the next few days and maybe I'll get outside for another potter.

By for now.



  1. I keep looking at my garden, and thinking I really must get on with it, but we have been concentrating on clearing out the outbuildings (long overdue) and I took a huge carload to the Tip today. Perhaps tomorrow if it is dry I will start to sort out the veg. plot. before it gets too overgrown.

    I think with that cold spell due your Sweet Peas would prefer to be indoors a bit longer, but if you have space in the Polyhouse they can grow on in there in a tub perhaps?

    1. I think that is the best idea, BB, and I understand you have to get your priorities regarding clearing the rubbish. Has to be done.

  2. Lovely to see what is growing for you. Love the sweet peas and of course daffodils on the way are always great

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Composting is getting popular as more people start to garden. Composting toilet can be achieved in a couple of distinct forms. Whether you've been composting for some time or are only getting started.


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