Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Covid, Random Thoughts, Body Image and Mental Wellbeing.
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Who Am I?
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Book Review - A Definite Recommendation. Grounded by Liz Zorab Of Byther Farm.
Liz has such determination and grit in achieving her goals and I loved the idea of putting your back to the task whilst facing the achievemnent. I particularly loved her honesty in that, even now after the farm is establshed in so many ways, she still has doubts about her gardening abilities - I am jam packed full of those so just great to read that.
Liz shares the personal obstacles she has overcome and explains how the farm plus working/living in line with the seasons has bolstered her health. By giving herself the permission to take the time to recharge herself has been so very beneficial, something we could all try at times.
I was so impressed with the size and success of Byther Farm in what to me seems a short amount of time so that inspires me to push myself a little. However, I know the work needed was hard to reach those goals and I loved that I would also read about a task or project and think to myself "oh, I could do that" but also thought at times "I'm glad I do that already".
The hints and tips throught the book, often in side boxes to the main text, were numerous but I especially liked the outdoor sink area with the recycled water system. Ideas for perenial veg were wonderful as the book is not so much a "how to" rather than this is what did or didn't work, try this, work with what you have, experiment and was also a good introduction to permaculture about which Liz is very passionate.
She, like myself, acquired her polytunnel some time into a new growing year not getting the full benefit until the following year; fantastic to hear ideas for something that can help in real time
Altogether I found this an inspirational book, it made me smile, made me think and encouraged me in my plans for my own garden. Thank you Liz.
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Here Comes The Sun - for a good few days!
and had already managed to do some planting of onions and finished mulching one bed with a little bought but mainly my own compost. Go me!
The next job I have looked at I don't know how many times. This planter had some peas in last year and when they finished I just took them out and left it; it isn't as if it's even that big a space! So as I headed to sort out the raised bed NEXT to it, stil in ignore mode, I remembered I had actually moved a couple of weeds from it so I thought COME ON, DO IT with Lorella in my head saying break down those tasks.
I felt I had achieved so much even though it only took me about 15 minutes; I moved onto the other bed and got that finished, too.
Lorella also talked about honesty regarding your garden; don't strive for perfection but production - I think that is going to be my new mantra. It's important to realise you can't do everything, hence breaking down those jobs or projects into small bites.
I took this lovely photo of Jon, with Belle in the distance, as we walked in the early morning light and the moon was amazing!
He has become such a wonderful shepherd in the last couple of years and I am so proud of him. Our dream is to have our own farm but that is a dream unfortunately.
Monday, 8 February 2021
Just A Hi There And Hello!
Hello. I hope you're all keeping well and safe. Here in Wales we have two more weeks left of our current lockdown and the boys are obviously still learning from home. However there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel for when they may return, virtually crossing my fingers.
The weather is bitterly cold as I type this, early evening Monday, but thankfully no snow.
Even during inclement weather I love my growing space here in #mylittlepatchofparadise as I like to call it. Since the beginning of the month I've been taking part in #mymonthonthontheplot on Instagram, posting a different photo each day to do with my growing area and seeing what other people have been gettng up to, really good fun even when our gardens don't necessarily look their best at this time of the year.
This year I have my poly house back - woop woop, re-covered at the beginning of November after I'm not sure how long. I have my Feel Good UK polytunnel which we managed to buy, install and start using in May last year. My outdoor beds and other growing spaces are great as they are made from sleepers we found whilst clearing the jungle of a garden we had when we arrived here. I also have bathroom 'items' that would have just been thrown out, an old chimmney plus a LOT of tyres which Jon acquired along with a big old wooden crate.
Currently the main bed, which is 17 x 6 feet, has had a visit from a mole or two!
Here it is in a previous years from a couple of angles.
I still wouldn't consider myself a confident gyo-er, but I am very enthusiastic! This year I'm growing something for the first time - dwarf borlotti beans - as I love the idea of drying them to keep for use in stews next winter. Not sure how many plants I'll need to save a couple of jars - anybody with any advice on that please?
I'm also growing something in the same place this year; I don't go for massive plot rotation plans as I am a no dig gardener and a big fan of Charles Dowding, My sweetcorn grows best in one specific bed, right outside the poly house where it gets very good sun so that's where it will go! Anyone else a no dig fan of CD?
This has just been a nice little ramble before I REALLY have something to show when sowing soon starts.
Hope you've enjoyed it.
Bye for now and stay safe,
Friday, 29 January 2021
This And That - Outdoors and In.
This is because my laptop is now my own again as my youngest has bought himself a new device and therefore no longer needs to use mine for his homelearning, hurrah! This celebration comes in the form of a new blog post.
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
What a Sow and Sow - February.
I'll keep you up to date when I get started but would also love to know if you are growing something for the first time and how you get on with it.
Friday, 15 January 2021
My Little Patch Of Paradise.
Friday, 1 January 2021
2021 - A Fresh Start.
This is my first post since December 7! We enjoyed our quiet Christmas the same as we always do, so no change for us really. New Year's Eve, too, was quiet as normal - just the Hootenanny with a glass or two of bubbly then to bed.
To hope the coming year of 2021 will be an improvement on the last is an understatement for most people and for those I feel so sorry for all the loss, heartache, difficult times and challenges they have had to face. However I am and will forever be full of gratitude for our being safe on our little homestead, Jon still being able to go to work, our boys carrying on with their schooling at home (though challenging at times, too) not missing going abroad and just happy to be where we are on my little patch of paradise.
I wish everyone a healthy 2021 and look forward to sharing all your, and my, doings in the coming year, be it your sowing n growing, baking n making in the kitchen or craft projects.xx
Anyway, onwards.This is the view which greeted me at the back door this morning. We had a good covering of snow yesterday and a little more over night but the brightness of the day had already begun to melt it; beautiful sky anyhow.
Yesterday and today I took a few photos inside and out, in the poly tunnel, the garden and the poly house. However, the first photo is of the man who came to scan the pregnant ewes on the 30th. We had a fantastic result as out of 43 ewes we had 26 singles and 17 twins! Fantastic.
So, that was the show now for the tell!
I've made my list for seed sowing and I've been really thorough, I think, to really try and not have empty beds outside from about July/August time which is what usually happens.😖 Going to keep sowing and keep planting out to try and avoid that hungry gap.
I'm going to do my best to make the most of the poly tunnel as we were already getting on for half way through the year when we bought it in 2020, sounds weird saying that already. I have plans for starting things in there are well as seeds for germination then to be planted in the beds and areas outside.
As we're not intending to take any Airbnb guests for the whole of 2021, this gives us the chance to do some projects in the garden when we don't need to worry about there being some mess and upheaval. A lot of clearance needs sorting around the beds and tyres as I'd eventually like to have membrane and pea gravel down to make the area a lot more tidy.
I'm really quite envious of people with big compost bins so that's something I have room for and Jon has access to any number of pallets we need for the job. 👍
I'm sure there are lots of things I want to do, would like to do, need to do but we'll get to that at some point.
That is about it for me. I can't wait to hear about your plans for inside and out over the coming months so why not drop me a line in the comments? 😊
Bye for now,