Monday 14 August 2017

A Bit of Lunchtime Randomness.

Over the weekend we were lucky enough to have a sky like this!

At 11.15pm we were stargazing in our back garden, in deck chairs, coats and wrapped up looking at this amazing sky. We saw quite a few shooting stars but one especially spectacular one which went right above us and had an almost green tail to it. 

It was awesome! 

We sat for about half an hour and then we got some cloud cover so were no longer able to see anything but it was a fab experience. Alfie was too asleep to wake up but we did get Harry to come downstairs and we were so lucky we saw what we did!

In the Poly House my piquant peppers are finally showing themselves, albeit only just.

 I have made a start on some seed sowing, too. Here you can see Broccoli Raab and then Spring Cabbage, Offenham 2 (Flower of Spring), which are already germinating and I only put these in on August 8 so very pleased with them.

Finally lots of tomatoes are ripening! These two plants are doing really well and are specifically for bottling; I have another plant for this, too, so hopefully I will have plenty.

Now outside this is how my sweetcorn is looking.

I don't remember last year's crop looking like this but hope all will be well.

I have been harvesting lots of things from the garden since we have been back from our holiday which I am loving.This little lot I took up on Wednesday and the blackberries came from me and the boys foraging in the hedgerows' getting on for a 1lb. It looks as if there are loads more to come. This lunchtime it has been great to have salad using our own lettuce, beetroot, spring onions and tomatoes.

We have now had the last of the salad blues which have been great fun and the carrots are great with plenty more to come, too. The few climbing peas you can see are always lovely but I have learned a lesson for next year. I will not be growing them in tripods. They are so bushy that it is hard to get to the pods and I don't think they grow as well. Next year I shall put them in a row against netting but in the same spot; learning all the time as my dad used to say.

Right, that is it for me as I am going to an early Slimming World group today; yesterday both the boys went to stay with the Gramps and won't be back until Thursday so I don't need to be in Aber late this evening for Harry's Sea Cadets. Jon has to go to a family funeral tomorrow needing to leave home at 5am as it is in the Lake District; he won't be home until late so I'll have a long day on my own, not that I mind, but must not waste the time and will do my best to use it wisely.

Bye for now.



  1. I must compliment you Lou on your sowing it's amazingly straight. I should get some winter sowing.

  2. P.S. the stargazing is wonderful. The sky looks packed with stars.

    1. I should have said that I didn't take the picture - Jon's cousin's fella did for us but it was beyond words really.

  3. Thanks Tania! Our skies here are always wonderful because we have so little light pollution. There are no street lights anywhere near us-we are very lucky.

  4. Glad you had the chance to see the shooting stars, I didnt stay up for it, Martin did, Its great seeing proper night skies.

    1. It is! I remember when we hadn't long been here,and were still in the caravan in the garden, and Jon called me and the boys outside to look at the amazing sky. Jon now has it in his head to build a stargazing viewing platform for when guests come!

    2. Just lost my reply! Argh. I was saying how amazing the photos are especially the stars. I too was mesmerised when we moved here as I'd never seen anything like it before we moved in. Well done on this harvests! Satisfaction or what? Love that you too are learning, my first lot of peas were dreadful but the second sowing is doing well thankfully. In fact I think I'll sow some more today and hope for a late cropping. I wonder if the salad blues store well?

    3. I nearly just deleted it!! Salad blues are classed as main crop according to your blurb you sent with me so in theory they should do. I don't have enough to store but we have enjoyed them, having purple food on our plates!

  5. The book you mentioned the other day - A Cooks year in a welsh farmhouse. I picked up a copy in a charity shop recently and would love to gift it to you as other bloggers in the past have gifted things to me. Pop a comment on my blog with your details - i now have comment moderation set so it won't be published - and I'll post to you asap.

    1. Sue, that is so very kind of you. I don't know what to say? Let me know how much the postage is and I will gladly send you that. Will do and bless you.xx

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