Friday 25 August 2017

Foody Friday, Baking Bonzer.


Today I have managed to bake quite a lot, even though I have been quite busy with other stuff, too.

I wasn't going to bake bread but changed my mind after I'd checked on space in the freezer, so in the oven went a half wholemeal, half white loaf and six rolls.

The tins were getting a little empty so it was time for a cherry oat bake which is always a winner with the boys and Jon. A pal of Jon's is coming to stay over this evening so wanted something to go with a brew, too. I think he may be watching his weight but not in my kitchen today!

I marked some pages in this book to try. 

This copy is not the one from the library but a copy very kindly sent to me by Sue at The Cottage At The End Of The Lane. Thank you again, Sue.x She saw I was having trouble finding a reasonably priced copy online and as she had picked this up in a charity shop decided to send it to me. How very, very, very kind was that? 

One of the things I planned to make were Welsh cakes, simple ingredients really; I have made them before and they were a bit too biscuity....

however these have come out a lot better. 

I plan on giving them to our next Airbnb guests as part of their breakfast along with our boiled eggs and my bread. I also took some to one of the Welsh ladies who works in the village shop as I had told her I was making them; she said they were good.

I went into the garden this morning and picked a few goodies.

The herbs are oregano which I put in the dehydrator yesterday. They are done and I have sage in there at the moment. I hope the weather is good at the weekend as hope to put some gherkins in to keep for use at a later date.

So for lunch I was able to have a green salad of homegrown things. How cool is that?

Oh yesterday I used up the last cooking apples and stewed them for the freezer.

There was enough for two small crumbles, to add more fruit to or to have with ice cream etc.

A good and productive day in the kitchen. Need to get outside for a little while now, once the clothes are folded!

Ok well that's it for now I think.

Bye for now.



  1. That book looks good, so do your welsh cakes, I am not a welsh cake lover myself.

    1. The book is just so lovely and lots of things I'd like to try.

  2. I love Welsh cakes and they look wonderful.

  3. Love days like these - what a brilliant looking book. I've never had a welsh cake! I think I would if you put those in front of me :D !
    Well done on the salad from the garden. Something I messed up on this year, I ran out of lettuce though I have more sown!
    I must make your cherry oat bake, I think you emailed it to me before so I'll check xx

    1. I know! I love a busy day. The book is just fab and I'm so very grateful to Sue. The Welsh cakes are another thing I don't have to buy in. Alfie liked them with the damson jam. I have sown more lettuce and spring onions but I think they will be my last. Let me know if you don't have the tray bake recipe.xx

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