Wednesday 16 August 2017

Inside And Out.

Yesterday and today I have got a few good jobs done outside and in.

I have weeded, hoed, prepared etc spaces I hope to use soon. There is a good area to be made use of in the bed where the courgettes are and this is looking ready to sow turnips.

I have a good amount of space in the main bed and need to decide what to use that for, I have an idea. I weeded and dug over these as well as putting some new compost in the spot near the beetroot. I hope the beetroot continues to grow well as don't plan on growing it next year if I have enough to pickle this Autumn.

The black polythene is still covering the area where I grew the onions and I had a peek under it and it is just needing a turn over as no weeds appear to have crept under or in. Yay!

I have prepared the cold frame area and in here I'll be sowing pak choi and wild rocket in the coming days. Really like the idea of pak choi but failed before so will look after it a bit more this time. 

Tyres have been dug over, not too many weeds of course and today new compost added and I have put in my Christmas potatoes today, too.

Like Tracy I have bought these varieties, only ones I could find but sure they will be ok.

I had a root around in one of the Sweet potato growing bags yesterday and found a fairly good sized one but will leave them for another week or so before I take any up; sooo excited as mine failed spectacularly last year!

These are my radishes and I hope to preserve them by making fridge pickles with them along with gherkins and some of my red onions. 

Talking of pickling, does anybody buy white vinegar for pickling in bulk anywhere? Having trouble getting some at a good price.

I'd like to ask some advice, too, on my container strawberry plants. These two have very healthy-looking foliage but I don't know what to do with them over Winter months.

By the time I sat down for lunch today I had vacuumed nearly all downstairs, mopped the bottom kitchen floor, had a Hermes parcel collected and had one of the meters read and written most of this post.

I'm going to try a last sowing of lettuce and spring onions in the sink outside; they grow really well there and I'm enjoying having salad for lunch most days right now.

Oh and our new camera has come. Yay!

Right I think that is it for now. I have recently been looking at some initial plans for next year, name varieties of things people have mentioned, things I will and won't be growing etc. so I am on the lookout for a 2018 diary, can you believe it?

Bye for now.



  1. Book is packed, just need to get to Post Office!
    Couldn't find anywhere for distilled vinegar apart from the 1 pint Sarsons or bigger ones with pickling spices already added. The cheap white vinegar from Tesco etc isn't good enough quality for pickles. ( had to test with litmus when doing food hygiene certificate - hardly acidy at all!)

    1. Thanks again for your generosity Sue.x Thanks for the vinegar info too. I can only get the Sarsons for £1 in Morrisons here and it goes nowhere when you have a lot to pickle. Have found some online from a Chinese supermarket type website so will try and remember to post the details. Seemed quite cheap...

  2. Covering areas with plastic had changed how I garden, makes everything so much easier

    1. Thanks for that Kev. I think sometimes it is a bit old hat compared to how some people do things but it seems to work for me.

  3. Vinegar I buy in gallon containers from the fruit and veg wholesalers, next time I am there I will see if they have any white and pick one up for you,these sell the whit and malt also do them spiced. dont be in a rush with the sweet potatoes they should be harvested in Autumn when the foliage starts to die back so plenty of time for those tubers to develop.

    1. Thanks for all your help and advice, as usual Dawn.

  4. Vinegar tips
    "we supply small volume orders on behalf of Ellsey vinegars please call 07968 149607 or 01564 795466 and see if we can help you today"

  5. I was going to say the same place as Dawn, as that's where I get mine - I think it's about a gallon container for a couple of pounds. Spiced or not, there is a choice, though I like to add my own blend of spices, especially for pickled onions.

    Your garden is looking great and your follow-on crop plans good. Well done.

    1. Thanks for the vinegar info, BB. I tend to add my own spices etc. I do hope to follow-on crops work.

  6. Sorry meant to say strawberries are quite hardy. I live in the south and they have a haircut, feed of manure and left to rest over winter.

  7. Strawberries are very hardy I find so they should be fine regardless of what you do. The Christmas spuds are in short supply I found so only those varieties available bit even so, how exciting xx

  8. Thank you very much for sharing information that will be much helpful for making coursework my effective.


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx