Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Edith Making a Break For Freedom!

The weather is a little different to yesterday but not that bad; the blue is trying to peek through and the sun is ding its best to shine. 

Last week we were told the electricity would be off for a short time today so I took that time to do outside stuff. I had food for the compost bin to get rid of, some salad leaves to plant and a few other little jobs so chucked everything I needed into a box and headed to the Poly House along with a cup of coffee.

First of all I made a detour to Jon's shed and made this little sign. It isn't the most artistic item but I quite like it.

Next I went to collect the eggs. As I went into the enclosure I spied one of the ladies where she shouldn't be! Now I know the neighbour's side of the fence is a bit greener than the enclosure but that is not where she should have been; Chicken Stalag 17 the enclosure is not but she had somehow managed to get out; I checked all the fencing and she may have hopped over the top! It was Edith, matriarch of the flock, and the field next door belongs to the neighbour at the bottom of the garden. Lucky that it was Edith as she is the only one who will stand still whilst you pick her up so it was easy to put her back over the fence.

That done, I collected the eggs; five again today but there were remnants of a sixth egg in the box that appeared to have been eaten. Will keep an eye on that happening again.

In the Poly House I put in some radichio and mixed salad leaves. I was going to hoof out the salad leaves in the yellow tub in exchange for the squash plant but they seem to have rallied so will get a container for it at a later date.

The courgettes look as if teeny tiny veg are forming - very exciting!

Now in other news. Yesterday I got round to a bit of crafting as I had saved two baked bean tins and wanted to decorate them with faux vintage labels. I found some on Pinterest and went to work with my spray blue and trusty glue pot.

I have decided to use them for my stock cubes..

and the drinking straws.

Ok so I've vacuumed upstairs and have everywhere else to do, then will go clean out the chooks, after lunch, and I have the caravan curtains to iron.

Bye for now.



  1. You had your own Chicken Run going on! I do like those labels.

    1. Thanks Greta! I was SOO pleased it was Edith because I would have had no chance grabbing hold of any of the others! Wait till I tell Jon; he'll find that really funny. Aren't the labels lovely. they should actually be a bit more peachy and apple coloured but my printer cartridge is running out!

  2. Clip the wings it wont hurt them easy to do you only need to do one wing, egg eating can become a serious problem, as soon as you here egg laying noise go out and remove eggs, dont leave them in the nest box, break the habit straight away otherwise you will find you are not getting any eggs.
    Love those tins well done the fade look is nice makes them look more vintage :-)

  3. Been out and collected the eggs already so hope it was a one off. There were only 4 and we are used to getting 5 but no evidence of a fifth having been eaten.


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