Monday, 16 May 2016

Membrane Mayhem In The Sunshine

Today has been yet another gorgeous day. I forgot to say that when in Aber on Saturday we bought new planters so we could move the courgettes and here they are; a bargain at £1 from Poundland. You can see the spring onions in the bed, too, next to leeks which I mistakenly planted as spring onions!

Yesterday we took a trip to the new nursery we visited last weekend on the way to Skimmer Island. I picked up some chive plug plants, some more herbs to add to the sink and toilet - parsely and coriander -  and bought some aubretia to put in the chimney pot along with some cute little flowers the name of which I cannot remember.

Today I have planted some spring onion seeds to make up for the mistake I mentioned earlier and had a tidy up in the greenhouse. I moved one of the straw bales into the garage and swept up a bit so now I have room for the compost we also bought on Saturday.

Tonight, in this just wonderful sunshine, I did a bit more prep in the veg patch by nailing some of the membrane we used in the strawberry patch to three of the sides of patch to counteract a few weeds. It will be held down by the illusive top soil!

And yes that is my cardigan hanging off the buddleia bush!

And a quick look around the poly house; I think I'm going to call it that from now in as it is a bit of a hybrid.

Tomato plants are looking great

and I never thought I'd see the day I tried to grow sweetcorn.

Right, that is it for me as I have a cup of coffee to drink whilst I whip round and see what blogland has been up to today then I'm signing off for the night. Probably catch up with you tomorrow.



  1. I keep forgetting to read your blog- apologies. For some reason that I can't fathom all the other blogs I read move to the top of my list on the right of my page when they do a new post and that's when I read. But yours stays stubbornly at the bottom of the list and won't move.
    Very odd

  2. Hi Louise the little flowers are Mesembryanthemum, I love them I was atually only thinking about getting some yesterday, they are lovely x

    1. Thank you for that. I just though the colours were fab and would brighten up the terracotta chimney. I've also put some in a metal container near the back door but I think it might be a bit shaded there for them.x

  3. Really enjoying your blog. Have you thought about making a fruit hedge. Many moons ago our next door neighbour had one that separated our gardens. It consisted of Gooseberry, red and black currents, Blackberries, Raspberries etc. All intertwined and so delicious.

    1. Thanks for visiting Annie. I hope to have a good selection of soft fruits as well as apples etc. Nice idea about the hedge.

  4. Your veg is looking great, the common name for Mesembryanthemum is Livingston Daisys a lot easier to say, love the name Poly House you will have to make a name plate for it :-)


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx