Friday 29 September 2017

Preserving and Project Progress.


Airbnb phase two is coming along really well. Inside we have got the frame for the front of the chalet in place.

The window and door were put in along with membrane covering.

The doors were then taken off and they will be used on another project.

This door was originally the connecting door between Jon's tool shed and the main shed.

Alfie was a really good lad learning some new skills by helping Jon with the cladding and putting on the new windowsill. 

And here we are.

We are very pleased with how it looks on the outside - obviously it needs painting but when guests come it looks tidy from the front.

Jon will continue working on the inside at those times when we don't have any guests.

In other news my order of onions and garlic have come today.

It was my offer from GYO magazine.

And I am pleased to still be harvesting some things...

which include my only four chillis, one last Spring onion I think, lettuces (not Winter ones), the contents of the first growing bag of sweet potatoes, which I am so very pleased with, and still some tomatoes are coming.

Today I have made a jar of gherkin relish as they keep popping up, too. I'm really looking forward to my preserving this year. I look forward to us using it on burgers next summer and it looks JUST how I wanted it to!

Right, I have a cake in the oven just now for when we go visit my mum tomorrow. 

I look forward to seeing what everybody gets up to over the weekend.

Bye for now.




  1. Relish looks lovely and do does the new accomodation. Can't wait for the next installment. Tx

  2. Ah thanks Tania. I love that you are following our journey.x

  3. I bet you're so pleased with the relish as I know how excited you were about making it! If you can share the recipe that would make my day :-)
    The air bnb room looks fabulous and what a great team of workers you have there!
    I am definitely going to grow sweet potatoes next year based on your harvest this year, great going!! Xx

  4. I'll try to remember to put the recipe in with my next letter. I'm sure there is another I said I'd send to you! Yes, Alf is a god little helper. I'm leaving and leaving the sweet spuds as I want them to be as good as they can. So disappointed that i will have to buy regular spuds through the winter, that was NOT the plan at all!x


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx