Friday 20 October 2017

Apples Coming Out Of My Ears!


I have been gifted yet more cooking apples since the ones I bottled! I was trying to think of different things to make from them; I already have some stewed, blanched and syrup all in the freezer and we have had crumbles and pies along with the ones I bottled.

I was reading one of BB's posts on Codlinsandcream2 and she had some great ideas for using up gluts of apples. I took some inspiration and made a Dorset Apple cake and this has gone in the freezer for another day. I then had a look online and there was a recipe for  apple turnovers. As luck would have it I had some puff pastry in the freezer, I normally do for quickness sometimes; I set about making these, first time for me and relatively easy.

You just chop or slice your apples, put a good amount of cinnamon over them and cook them in butter for a few minutes,

then add a slack handful of sugar, well anything from half a cup depending on how sweet your tooth is.

When the juice starts to form thicken it with a little cornflour and water

and mine are ready to go in the freezer as pie filling or other uses.

Here are the finished results of the cake and turnovers.

I have to say I was ridiculously pleased with how the turn overs turned "out"! -  Jon and the boys loved them, too, so that was an extra bonus.

I STILL have quite a big box of apples left but am getting apple phobia or something from cooking with them so might put a couple of bags out front with the eggs.

All from me; have a great weekend and I look forward, as usual, to seeing what everybody gets up to.

Bye for now.



  1. Have you tried Spiced Apple Butter? Recipes online. Lasts for ages and can be done in slow cooker.

    1. Do you know, I saw that on a blog I was reading this morning I think, ha, oh no, that was sweet potato butter - I'll look though as I can do that in my Rayburn. Thanks for that.x

  2. I wish I lived near you, I'd help you out......I'd be nicking them!

    1. Ha, that made me laugh Tania. (BTW sorry for the rant on your blog earlier.)

  3. I thought of apple butter as well but my very first thought was Apple sauce! Very easy to make and store! Your bakes look delicious .

    1. I just might have a go at the apple butter. Thank you for your kind words about my baking, I love it.

  4. I can (bottle) applesauce every year. I love it with yogurt for breakfast.

    1. Thanks for that Janice. Thanks for reading my blog.

  5. Do you kmow Lou, I've not done enough on the Apple front this year, what you've done is amazing. I really will take a leaf out of your book next year x Tracy x

    1. Thanks Tracy, I made much more of an effort than last year. Also, are you a new visitor to my blog, if so welcome.x

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