Saturday 21 October 2017

Brian, Bring On Winter!


With Brian on the prowl we are not too bad here just now but weather warnings for Aber have been put out to encourage people not to be near the sea front at high tide, winds are forecast for later, Alfie's football was cancelled this morning, and......

we have lift off. The Rayburn is lit!

We were fully operational at breakfast and I love it!

I have also been getting used to baking in it and made, using up yet more apples, another Dorset Apple cake.The boys have their Thanksgiving Service, even though I'm not a church goer I would have preferred it to be called the harvest festival as that title is a bit US of A for my liking. Anyhow after the event we are having a Macmillan Coffee do so taking donations as requested.

Lunch consisted of chicken and fridge left overs soup. Mmmm.

So I am more than happy now and cannot wait until I see that energy bill go down shortly.

Right, I'm off to have my soup and look for a Columbo to watch this afternoon and prepare myself for Sequin Central! Go Strictly!

Oh, one last thing I thought of the other day. I don't think I have shared this with you but when I had my previous blog I was lucky enough to have Ruth Clemens, one of the first The Great British Bake Off series finalists, do a little interview for me - here it is.(Have to say still loving the show even with the changes - it's all about the baking!)

Bye for now.



  1. Hi Lou! It's Tracy and i am posting from Crete on Bali beach where we get free WiFi whilst kids enjoying sea. A far cry from storm Brian! So pleased you got the rayburn lit as I know you've been looking forward to it! All the food looks yummy! Speak soon xx

    1. Oh my god. it's you!! I can't believe it! Hope you are having the best holiday EVER, that the kids are having fun and that Ste is relaxing. Speak soon. I am writing an email to you every other day or so as I know I will have forgotten loads to tell you by the time you get back.xx

    2. Haha it is me 😀 Back to normal now. Was lovely catching up without the pressures of everyday life. Love the email thank you x x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The cake looks delicious. The lack of apples, donated windfalls from neighbours and produce from the garden is one of the major things I do miss about our old house. So far, so good so I don't think I will be moving back any time soon. We have just started to light our stove too.

    1. I'm very pleased you are enjoying your new life.


Thank you so much for finding the time to comment. I really appreciate it and will always try to reply.xx